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Injection molding machine electric energy as a whole to create a more efficient green and efficient injection molding machine

Release date:2017-04-19Clicks:Publisher:admin
In the global environmental pollution and ecological damage is increasingly serious and troubled background, in the green economy, low-carbon economy by the world's attention today, efforts to build China's green presses, is to build a more green, more low-carbon industrial system Became the inevitable choice. Recently by the "second five" national science and technology support program "energy-saving intelligent CNC injection molding machine research and application demonstration project" through the acceptance of the project in 2013 project, the project captured the key technology of injection machine numerical control system, developed With independent intellectual property rights of the whole electric injection machine numerical control device, electro-hydraulic servo injection machine dedicated numerical control device, 9 kinds of standard servo drive system and 9 kinds of specifications AC permanent magnet synchronous servo motor, forming two series of all-electric injection machine products , Three series of electro-hydraulic servo injection machines and other products, production and sales of energy-saving smart injection molding machine more than 1,400 sets of traditional injection machine energy-saving transformation of more than 1,000 sets. In the injection molding machine power level, based on the national level of attention and injection molding machine power injection molding machine energy consumption and other reasons, in the market to achieve great success.
The current energy consumption of the injection molding machine mainly in the following three aspects, the first part of the power part of the electricity, through technical research and market promotion, this part of the energy consumption from the machine 70% to 50% now, Cooling water part, accounting for about 10%, and the remaining 40% of the heating part of the injection molding machine is the power consumption. The heating part of the injection molding machine is divided into the heating demand of the material and the plastic heating demand of the plastic heating. Before the enterprises are more emphasis on power heating, and now the carbon emissions pressure, many large enterprises began to pay attention to accounted for 40% of the injection molding machine electric energy saving.
Shenzhen JOHNSON motor energy conservation department stakeholders said: "At present, the Government asked us on the basis of the existing carbon emissions by 10% a year, the pressure is still great, we plant a lot of injection molding machine, is the main energy unit, so We use the energy-saving heating rods and energy-saving heating ring can make the whole machine energy consumption drop of nearly 15%, is also a very impressive number, and before the injection molding machine does not attach importance to the energy-saving part of the electric heating, This year the company management asked for a change.
In this context, many companies began to pay attention to the injection molding machine electric energy-saving products research and development and promotion work, which VICHUN Weichuan Technology, Lanze, 赛 Si and other enterprises as the representative of the energy-saving heating ring production enterprises, in 2016 are more High energy saving injection molding machine energy saving heating ring. Wei-chuan technology is independent research and development and production of infrared energy-saving heating ring and dry hopper energy-saving heater (rod), and become the first to cover the overall energy-saving injection molding machine service company. Reporters learned from the official website of Wei-chuan, injection molding machine electric whole energy-saving program can reduce the energy consumption of injection molding machine machine more than 15% for a more than a thousand dollars of electricity injection molding machine, save a few hundred dollars a day, this is a business worth Calculate the cost of the account.
Local governments are also promoting the implementation of energy-saving project of injection molding machine, Dongguan out of 330 million to encourage enterprises to energy-saving enterprises, energy-saving special action for injection molding machine. To encourage enterprises to energy-saving production, Dongguan City, the introduction of energy-saving enterprises subsidy policy to guide more and more enterprises to energy-saving environment-friendly business transformation. It is understood that provinces and cities were out of 330 million yuan subsidy funds to encourage enterprises to improve energy efficiency and injection molding machine energy-saving work. Ningbo City launched the "10 million" energy-saving special action, including million Taiwan injection molding machine energy-saving transformation. Within three years, thousands of enterprises in Ningbo City will be nearly 10,000 sets of injection molding machine energy consumption "thin", is expected to form more than 300 million kilowatt hours of energy-saving capacity, driven more than 400 million yuan injection molding machine and other related industries output value.
More green and efficient intelligent injection molding machine is the mainstream demand on the market, the overall energy-saving injection molding machine to promote the demand for accelerated landing, 2016, whether from the government or business point of view, its energy-saving performance in this area are very prominent. In 2017 the energy-saving injection molding machine will be a higher level. In the servo energy is the mainstream at the same time, the overall energy needs of heating has become a hot spot.